ANSES and Institut Pasteur: a partnership at the service of One Health
Benoit Vallet, directeur général de l’Anses et Yasmine Belkaid, directrice générale de l’Institut Pasteur

ANSES and Institut Pasteur: a partnership at the service of One Health

Institut Pasteur and ANSES have just signed a partnership agreement to pool their skills in the interests of ‘One Health’. The two organisations carry out complementary activities: one studies human infectious diseases and the other the risks associated with animal diseases and food, including diseases transmitted from animals to humans and by vectors.
The fundamental principles underlying ANSES’s vigilance schemes

The fundamental principles underlying ANSES’s vigilance schemes

ANSES coordinates seven vigilance schemes aimed at identifying adverse effects caused by several types of products and foods. What are the fundamental principles underpinning this mission at the Agency? What do the new vigilance schemes for cosmetics and tattoos involve? What is the outlook for these schemes? Juliette Bloch, Director of Health Alerts and Vigilance, answers our questions.
New partnership between ANSES and the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food

New partnership between ANSES and the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food

On 1 March 2024, ANSES signed its first cooperation partnership agreement with the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (HAPIH). The two agencies have areas of expertise in common relating to animal and plant health, and food safety.
ANSES and GDS France renew their partnership of over ten years in veterinary public health

ANSES and GDS France renew their partnership of over ten years in veterinary public health

Today, Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES, and Christophe Moulin, President of the French Federation of Animal Health Protection Groups (GDS France), renewed their framework partnership agreement aimed at strengthening the prevention, surveillance and control of certain animal diseases that have a major impact on French livestock farming.
Our 2024 work programme

Our 2024 work programme

ANSES's new work programme puts into perspective the principal activities of the Agency for 2024, in light of strategic orientations in our five main fields of action: food, animal health & welfare, environmental health, plant health and occupational health. Having been the topic of discussions with the International Science Council and ANSES’s Scientific Board, it will ensure the continuation and development of ANSES's activities, in support of public action.
New missions covering the safety of cosmetics and tattoos
Cosmétovigilance et tatouvigilance

New missions covering the safety of cosmetics and tattoos

Since 1 January 2024, ANSES has been responsible for vigilance and expert appraisal relating to cosmetics and tattoo products. These missions, which were previously the responsibility of the French Health Products Safety Agency (ANSM), have been transferred to ANSES by legislation, in line with the orientations of its 2023–2027 goals and performance contract with the State. They are fully consistent with the Agency's powers regarding assessment of the risks of chemicals to which people are exposed on a daily basis.
Marta Hugas appointed Chair of ANSES’s Scientific Board

Marta Hugas appointed Chair of ANSES’s Scientific Board

On 7 December 2023, by order of the French Ministers for Health, Agriculture, the Environment, Consumer Affairs, and Labour, Marta Hugas was appointed Chair of ANSES’s Scientific Board, which was set up in April 2023 and is now open to Europe and the rest of the world. Her term will run for a period of three years.
Stéphan Zientara appointed Director of the ANSES Laboratory for Animal Health

Stéphan Zientara appointed Director of the ANSES Laboratory for Animal Health

On 1 November 2023, Stéphan Zientara was appointed Director of the ANSES Laboratory for Animal Health. An inspector general of veterinary public health, he has worked for many years in the study and control of viral animal diseases in France, and at European and international level.
Renewal of the International Cooperation for Health (IC4Health) consortium
Renouvellement du réseau de coopération internationale pour la santé IC4Health

Renewal of the International Cooperation for Health (IC4Health) consortium

The International Cooperation for Health (IC4Health) consortium has been renewed. It is made up of ANSES, Santé publique France, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI), the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).
ANSES and the CEA renew their partnership
Signature du renouvellement du partenariat entre l'Anses et le CEA

ANSES and the CEA renew their partnership

ANSES and the CEA are renewing their partnership agreement to continue a rich tradition of scientific cooperation.
