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European and French regulations have set high standards of quality, safety and efficacy of veterinary medicinal products in order to address a common concern for the protection of public and animal health and the environment.

Continuous verification of compliance with these legal requirements shall be carried out by means of checks. To this end, Anses ANMV carries out inspections at all stages of the life cycle of the veterinary medicinal product, i.e. from their development, as well as at all stages of their production and distribution. 

Through the inspection program, Anses-ANMV is constantly monitoring veterinary medicinal products. Its purpose is to guarantee the efficacy and safety data transmitted for the assessment of the benefit/risk balance of medicinal products when applying for marketing authorisation (inspections Good laboratory practice and good clinical practice), then, once the medicinal product has been authorised and marketed, to continuously verify that this balance remains positive after marketing (inspections Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Distribution Practices and Good Pharmacovigilance Practices) and, if necessary, to strengthen the safety of medicinal products through various measures (targeted or thematic inspections and investigations).

The periodicity of inspections shall be determined by a decision of the Director-General of Anses. In order to ensure the effectiveness of inspections, the frequency of such checks shall be modulated in relation to the risk and the level of compliance expected in the various areas. This approach allows Anses-ANMV to allocate resources where the risk is highest. However, in some circumstances, these controls are carried out regardless of the level of risk or non-compliance expected and, in other circumstances, without notice.

The Inspection Unit

As the competent authority for the veterinary medicinal product, the task of Anses-ANMV is to ensure, through its control and inspection activities, the quality of the practices of the stakeholders (MA holders, manufacturers, importers, distributors, testing facilities, test promoters, investigators...) and the quality, efficacy, safety and availability of veterinary medicinal products. It has a team of qualified, qualified and sworn inspectors grouped in an inspection unit.

The inspectors are under the authority of the Director of Anses-ANMV. They carry out inspections on national territory or abroad. They shall ensure that the existing regulatory provisions are properly implemented by the relevant stakeholders.

Consult the list of authorised and sworn inspectors (PDF)  

The operation and organisation of the inspection unit is based on the model proposed by the ISO/IEC 17020, Conformity Assessment — Requirements for the operation of different types of inspection bodies. The unit is regularly audited by its European peers in JAP and BEMA and international audits as part of the OECD’s JRP audits of the ICP/S and osev. It is also subject to periodic evaluation by its international partners under mutual recognition agreements between the European Union and the US FDA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and Israel. The result of these evaluations is an acknowledgement of the quality of the Anses-ANMV inspection activities and their compliance with ethics and international standards of impartiality, independence and competence.

Carrying out an inspection

Inspection means an assessment of the conformity with a given repository of the subject matter inspected by a qualified person. This includes all the steps from the risk analysis leading to the scheduling of the inspection to the decision based on the judgment of conformity concerning the subject matter inspected. Applied to the scope of the Anses-ANMV, the object inspected corresponds to the establishments and structures under its supervision, the products handled and their activities.

The inspection makes it possible to establish a degree of confidence in the quality of the practices of stakeholders (manufacturers, MA holders, importers, distributors...) who remain primarily responsible for their practices, the quality, efficacy, availability and safety of the veterinary medicinal products handled. These inspections carried out by the Anses-ANMV inspectors aim to:

  • assess compliance of veterinary pharmaceutical structure and establishment practices with Good Practice (BPx) or benchmarks in force for a system, activity or category of veterinary products or medicinal product;
  • conduct technical investigations (sometimes referred to as “investigation”) following the reporting of a particularly significant quality deficiency, incident or event;
  • gather facts necessary for the conduct of the following administrative actions:
    • preparation of a technical opinion in the context of the examination of applications for authorisation to initiate;
    • establishment, renewal or withdrawal of a certificate (good manufacturing, distribution practices, etc.);
    • financial penalties;
    • animal health decision on veterinary medicinal products and activities;
    • suspension of the activity causing the risk (suspension, withdrawal of authorisation, etc.).

The initiation of an inspection in France or abroad may have several origins: The majority of inspections are carried out as part of an annual programme based on a risk mapping, including the nature of the activities carried out by stakeholders, the history of past inspections, specific events... Inspections may also be carried out following an internal referral, in particular following an alert received by Anses-ANMV. Finally, inspections may be carried out at the request of external organisations such as the European Medicines Agency or any other European or international competent authority.

Inspection steps include:

  • initiation of the inspection: an inspection mission shall be assigned to one or more inspectors accompanied, if any, by an expert. They are part of the inspection team. The site concerned is notified or not of the imminent inspection;
  • preparation of the inspection: the inspection team shall be aware of the site inspected, its history, the products handled there and the activities carried out;
  • the inspection itself: the inspection team assesses on-site or remotely the site’s compliance with one or more given benchmarks;
  • the inspection report: the inspection concludes with the drawing up of an inspection report by the inspection team indicating the deviations from the benchmarks. The inspection report is drawn up through an adversarial process through the sending of a preliminary report to the inspected site. The latter may indicate its responses, preventive or corrective actions to remedy any deviations identified. On the basis of these replies, the final report shall be drawn up and shall enable the conclusion of compliance of the site or to take the appropriate decisions in the event of non-compliance.

For you information, since January 1st 2024, certificate issued on completion of best practice inspections are signed electronically via DOCUSIGN. These certificates are sent by e-mail to the site manager.

GMP and GPD certificates are registered in parallel in the European EUDRAGMDP database.

The information available in the EUDRAGMDP database is supplied exclusively by the competent national authorities via a network that guarantees its authenticity and validity.

This information can be provided to foreign authorities via downloadable note, to facilitate administrative procedures.

For test facilites, the GLP certificate issued on completion of the inspection is also signed and sent electronically. Information concerning test facilities is not entered in EUDRAGMDP.

Inspection follow-up can be of different kinds: 

  • administrative action includes notices and warnings, suspension of the activity causing the risk (suspension, automatic modification, withdrawal of authorisation, etc.) and financial penalties;
  • criminal proceedings;
  • the ordinal suites.

To request an inspection

The different areas of inspection