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Antimicrobial resistance

Anses-ANMV is involved with the Anses laboratories in the fight against antibiomicrobial resistance. 

Since 1999, the Anses-ANMV has set up a national monitoring of the sales of veterinary medicinal products containing antibiotics. This sales survey makes it possible to evaluate the use and to monitor the evolution of antibiotic therapy practices for the various animal species. The information collected is one of the essential elements, together with the monitoring of bacterial resistance, to enable an assessment of the risks associated with antibiotic resistance. Anses-ANMV is strongly involved in the collection of antimicrobial use data, which is expected to develop rapidly with the mandatory reporting of amounts of antimicrobials delivered by veterinarians, pharmacists, manufacturers and distributors of medicated feed. 

Anses-ANMV analyses the risks associated with antibiotic resistance in the context of MA procedures. The Agency is also working on the evaluation of risk practices in veterinary medicine, and possible alternatives to the use of antibiotics in livestock.  

Anses-ANMV is involved in European and international groups on the collection of antimicrobial sales and use data, the assessment of the risks of the emergence of antibiotic resistance and in the analysis of the links between antibiotic uses and resistance.

Activities of the team working on antimicrobial resistance:

Monitoring of sales of veterinary antimicrobials

Monitoring of sales of veterinary antimicrobials

Monitoring of antibiotic deliveries by manufacturers and distributors of medicated feed in France

Monitoring of antibiotic deliveries by manufacturers and distributors of medicated feed in France

Collection of use data

Collection of use data

Use of antibiotics on the farm

Use of antibiotics on the farm