The prospect of a vaccine for African swine fever
Un groupe de porcs dans un élevage

The prospect of a vaccine for African swine fever

A vaccine to combat African swine fever could be produced based on research carried out by ANSES’s Ploufragan-Plouzané-Niort Laboratory. The initial results obtained are promising and are paving the way for an effective means of combating this disease, which is responsible for high mortality rates in pigs and wild boar in several countries in Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.
Avian influenza virus infects a cat
Antiparasitaire Chat

Avian influenza virus infects a cat

In late December, a sick cat in the Deux-Sèvres département tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1. ANSES was actively involved in the investigation of this case, which led to a nearby duck farm being identified as the source of the cat's contamination. The increase in such viral transfers from birds to mammals in different countries calls for vigilance, as they could facilitate the possible transfer to humans.
Gaining a better understanding of the genome of the bacterium responsible for Q fever
Bactéries Coxiella burnetii

Gaining a better understanding of the genome of the bacterium responsible for Q fever

ANSES's Sophia Antipolis Laboratory has participated in a vast genetic analysis of strains of Coxiella burnetii, the bacterium responsible for Q fever, a disease that can be transmitted to humans. This collaboration between animal and human disease specialists, on which a paper was published in late 2022, is the first step in a One Health project on this zoonosis.
Tracking the global spread of antimicrobial resistance
Suivi de la diffusion planétaire de la résistance aux antimicrobiens

Tracking the global spread of antimicrobial resistance

An international research team has provided valuable new information about what drives the global spread of genes responsible for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria. The collaborative study, led by researchers at the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia, brought together experts from France, Canada, Germany and the UK and will provide new information to combat the global challenge of AMR.
National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health: results of the 2022 calls for research proposals

National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health: results of the 2022 calls for research proposals

Forty-two research projects have been selected by ANSES under the 2022 PNR EST call for proposals. They will receive a total of €7.5 million in funding. This research will provide new knowledge on environmental risks to human health, in the general population or at work, as well as on risks to ecosystems.
Research to understand the effects of glyphosate on trout
Truite arc-en-ciel

Research to understand the effects of glyphosate on trout

Based on experiments conducted with several generations of fish, an ANSES team explored the effects of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides on the health of rainbow trout. This research showed that whether used pure or in herbicides, glyphosate could have effects on multiple generations of this species.
Calls for research projects issued for 2023 as part of the National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health

Calls for research projects issued for 2023 as part of the National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health

Today, ANSES is issuing two calls for projects as part of the National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR EST). The first is dedicated to the themes of environmental and occupational health while the second deals more specifically with the topic of “radiofrequencies and health”. Their aim is to finance research work on current health issues associated with multiple environmental exposures. Researchers interested in taking up challenges related to these issues are invited to submit their proposals by January 2023 at the latest.
Studying differences in the insecticide resistance of green aphids
Un puceron vert du pêcher

Studying differences in the insecticide resistance of green aphids

In aphids of the species Myzus persicae , there is a low rate of gene flow for insecticide resistance between the populations that colonise different plant species. This discovery made by scientists from ANSES, INRAE and the University of Montpellier may lead to a new approach to the strategies implemented to control the development of resistance to these pesticides.
New European projects on the horizon, to better protect animal and human health

New European projects on the horizon, to better protect animal and human health

ANSES is involved in five new projects that have been selected by the EU's Horizon Europe research programme. Some of them started in the first half of 2022, while others will begin this autumn.
Tick-borne encephalitis : tracing the origin of cases of transmission via cheese
Fromages de chèvre

Tick-borne encephalitis : tracing the origin of cases of transmission via cheese

For the very first time, human cases of foodborne infection with tick-borne encephalitis virus were observed in France in 2020. Several ANSES laboratories responded in order to understand the circumstances, improve the detection of the virus in raw-milk products, and thus prevent the risk of similar cases occurring. The initial results of their work were recently published.
