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Animal health and welfare

As is the case for humans, animal health can be threatened by various viruses, bacteria and parasites. ANSES's expertise offers insights into the complex interactions between pathogens, animals and rearing conditions, while supporting the management of health crises. It therefore contributes to prevention and control of the main animal diseases affecting livestock and wildlife, as well as the zoonoses affecting human health. It also works to improve animal welfare while ensuring the safety of the food chain and the sustainability of the different production sectors.


Possible transmission of influenza D from cattle to pigs
Influenza D : une transmission possible des bovins aux porcs

Possible transmission of influenza D from cattle to pigs

Type D influenza is a flu virus that mainly affects cattle. However, ANSES's Ploufragan-Plouzané-Niort Laboratory recently isolated the virus in pigs for the first time in France. This crossing between species illustrates the importance of research aimed at improving the study of a possible risk of virus transmission to humans.
Preventing transmission of swine flu viruses between animals and humans
Virus influenza de la grippe du porc : éviter la transmission entre animaux et humains

Preventing transmission of swine flu viruses between animals and humans

Like all type A flu (or influenza) viruses, those causing swine flu are constantly changing. ANSES has conducted an expert appraisal on the factors involved in the introduction of these viruses into pig farms and their transmission between pigs and humans. If the virus enters a farm, there is a risk that it will mix with other influenza viruses among the pigs. Such reassortments could be a source of new viruses with panzootic or pandemic potential.
Understanding the impact of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal microbiota of pigs and chickens on human health
un élevage de porcs

Understanding the impact of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal microbiota of pigs and chickens on human health

The presence of certain bacteria or chemicals can modulate the intestinal microbiota of pigs and chickens. Studying these factors could help at the farm level to tackle micro-organisms that are pathogenic to humans, such as Campylobacter and Salmonella .
What are the risks and impacts of diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito?
Piqûre par un moustique tigre

What are the risks and impacts of diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito?

The tiger mosquito is now found in 78 départements of mainland France. Its presence increases the risk of an epidemic of dengue fever, chikungunya or Zika. In an expert appraisal published on 13 September 2024, ANSES concluded that there was a fairly high probability of such an epidemic occurring. This could have health, economic and social impacts, particularly on the healthcare and tourism sectors.
Genetic analyses shed light on the origin of the small hive beetle recently reported on Reunion Island
petit coléoptère des ruches

Genetic analyses shed light on the origin of the small hive beetle recently reported on Reunion Island

The small hive beetle is a parasite of honey bees. It was first detected on Reunion Island in July 2022. Genetic analyses conducted by ANSES's Sophia Antipolis Laboratory have revealed that the specimens that arrived on the island are similar to those found in China and the Philippines.
A method for tracking the spread of a new Campylobacter species

A method for tracking the spread of a new Campylobacter species

ANSES has developed a method for culturing Campylobacter hepaticus. Cases of poultry becoming infected with this bacterium have increased in France since 2019. Culturing it should provide an opportunity to track its spread on farms through genetic characterisation.
Towards the integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

Towards the integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a major health problem for both humans and animals. In France, the use of antibiotics and the distribution of resistant bacteria are covered by several surveillance schemes that do not consistently or sufficiently collaborate with one another. The Surv1Health project, which has just been completed, aimed to identify ways of breaking down silos in the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and making it more useful as part of the ‘One Health’ approach.
Vector-borne diseases: a concern for cattle health
 vecteurs dans les élevages bovins

Vector-borne diseases: a concern for cattle health

The common factor linking bluetongue, epizootic haemorrhagic disease, besnoitiosis, etc. is that they are all caused by pathogens transmitted to ruminants by arthropods such as ticks, midges or mosquitoes. ANSES has funded a review of studies carried out in metropolitan France, which highlighted the many gaps in current knowledge about the vectors found on cattle farms and the pathogens they can transmit. Such knowledge is nevertheless essential given current global changes, which are having an impact on vector distribution and therefore on the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases in livestock.
What scientific criteria can be used to develop animal welfare labelling for food products?

What scientific criteria can be used to develop animal welfare labelling for food products?

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the living conditions of the animals used to produce foodstuffs such as meat, dairy products and eggs. ANSES is publishing guidelines for labelling products of animal origin specifically with respect to farm animal welfare. Implementing this proposal would harmonise current and future labelling systems. One of its main features is that the welfare assessment is based on scientific indicators measured directly on the animals, and not just on their rearing conditions. Another of its distinguishing features is that it takes account not only of the living conditions of the food-producing animals themselves, but also those of their parents.
The main Mycoplasma bovis subtype in France actually conceals two lineages
Mycoplasma bovis

The main Mycoplasma bovis subtype in France actually conceals two lineages

A study of Mycoplasma bovis , a bacterium that is pathogenic for cattle, has revealed the presence of two lineages in France, whereas the population of bacteria of the main circulating subtype was previously thought to be homogeneous. This discovery will help improve surveillance of this bacterium.
ANSES and GDS France renew their partnership of over ten years in veterinary public health

ANSES and GDS France renew their partnership of over ten years in veterinary public health

Today, Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES, and Christophe Moulin, President of the French Federation of Animal Health Protection Groups (GDS France), renewed their framework partnership agreement aimed at strengthening the prevention, surveillance and control of certain animal diseases that have a major impact on French livestock farming.
Invasive species and diseases that acclimatise
Salon de l'agriculture 2024

Invasive species and diseases that acclimatise

At this year's Paris International Agricultural Show, we have chosen to highlight examples of the harmful consequences of changing ecosystems and climate disruption, whether this concerns the proliferation of insects and other vectors that promote the spread of diseases, such as ticks and mosquitoes, or the establishment of emerging or invasive species that threaten crops, forests and gardens. This special close-up tells you all you need to know about these species, the associated diseases and our work to address these health issues.


Avian influenza: the current health risks for animals and humans
Influenza aviaire : les risques sanitaires actuels pour les animaux et les humains

Avian influenza: the current health risks for animals and humans

Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral infection occurring in wild and domestic birds. Like numerous other countries around the world, France has experienced several major avian influenza crises since 2015, which have led to the slaughter of millions of poultry to limit the spread of the virus. Mutations in the virus have also enabled its transmission to different species of mammals, as well as to humans, as was recently seen in the United States. What prevention and surveillance measures are being taken to limit the risks and curb the circulation of the virus? Our specialists provide an update.
One Health for living beings and ecosystems
Homme Animaux

One Health for living beings and ecosystems

The One Health concept aims to promote a multidisciplinary, holistic approach to health issues. Where did this approach come from and what does it involve? How does ANSES apply it when carrying out its activities?
Five questions on bluetongue

Five questions on bluetongue

Bluetongue is a viral disease of ruminants, and does not affect humans or food. It is transmitted by biting midges and can cause major economic losses in livestock farming. Vaccination is the most effective means of prevention, but is expensive. Here is a profile of the disease and an overview of the work of ANSES, a leading player in the fight against this virus.
The tiger mosquito
Moustique Tigre

The tiger mosquito

Native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) has adapted to many different environments, particularly urban ones, colonising a vast array of containers in which it lays its eggs in small volumes of water. The tiger mosquito is an opportunistic anthropophilic species which bites humans and can transmit viruses such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika. Because of this, it represents a major public health challenge. Below you will find an introduction to a mosquito that we haven’t heard the last from.
Understanding and combating tick-borne pathogens

Understanding and combating tick-borne pathogens

There are just under 1,000 species of tick in the world, but only a few are vectors of pathogens. Nevertheless, ticks are the vectors that transmit the widest variety of pathogens (bacteria, viruses and parasites) in the world. They are responsible for infectious diseases in humans and animals, and are the main vector of animal pathogens in Europe.
Bees: essential pollinators whose health is under threat

Bees: essential pollinators whose health is under threat

Bees account for 90% of pollinating insects, along with bumblebees, butterflies and flies. For several years now, a phenomenon resulting in the weakening and mortality of bee colonies has been seen around the world. Bee decline would have major consequences for plant diversity and food supply. Diseases, predatory insects, pollen depletion, chemicals... ANSES studies and assesses the stress factors threatening bees, and proposes different scientific and regulatory solutions to protect their health.
Everything you need to know about epizootic haemorrhagic disease
Des vaches dans un pré

Everything you need to know about epizootic haemorrhagic disease

Epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD) is a viral disease that was first detected in France in 2023. Its spread is a direct consequence of climate change, which enables the midge vectors of the disease to survive in our regions. Which animals does it affect? What are the symptoms? Is there any treatment? Can this disease be transmitted to humans? All the answers to these questions are in this article.
Q fever, a disease that can be passed from ruminants to humans
La fièvre Q, une maladie qui peut passer des ruminants à l’être humain

Q fever, a disease that can be passed from ruminants to humans

Q fever is often misunderstood, even though this disease is widespread throughout the world and was discovered almost a century ago. It can cause reproductive problems in ewes, female goats and cows and be transmitted to humans. Although the disease is generally not serious, it can nevertheless lead to complications, and sometimes takes months or even years to develop after initial infection.


Brucellosis is a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella . Found worldwide, it can affect humans, with symptoms including fever, pain, headache and/or weakness. It also affects most mammalian species, domestic and wild ruminants in particular. In animals, brucellosis causes abortion, reduced fertility and reduced milk production, which may in turn induce major economic losses. In addition, animals or herds which have not been certified as brucellosis-free cannot circulate freely between countries. Driven by these major economic implications and to the risk to human health, ANSES is actively involved in brucellosis surveillance and control. Here we provide a presentation of the disease, its current status in France, and the role played by ANSES.
ANSES’s work to prevent the spread of avian influenza
Influenza Aviaire

ANSES’s work to prevent the spread of avian influenza

Avian influenza can cause high mortality in wild and domestic birds. In addition, under certain conditions the virus can be transmitted to humans. ANSES plays a major role in the fight against the disease by coordinating its diagnosis in animals and by conducting research to improve virus detection, determine the strains in circulation and assess new vaccines for poultry. It also supports the public authorities in assessing the risks of disease introduction ahead of new outbreaks, and in recommending management measures during animal epidemics.
Avian influenza in 11 questions
Influenza Aviaire

Avian influenza in 11 questions

Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral infection occurring in wild and domestic birds, including poultry. Wild bird migration periods and movements have an impact on the risk of virus transmission to birds in captivity (on farms, kept as pets or in zoos). Here is a profile of the disease and an overview of ANSES's work to combat the spread of these viruses.
African swine fever in 14 questions
Peste Porcine

African swine fever in 14 questions

African swine fever (ASF) is a viral haemorrhagic disease that affects domestic pigs and wild boar but cannot be transmitted to humans. It is now present in certain European and Asian countries and poses a threat to the professional sectors concerned. ANSES has been working to improve detection of the virus, and providing technical and scientific support to enable the authorities to implement effective management measures to prevent the introduction and spread of the disease in France.


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Animal health and welfare
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Animal health and welfare
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