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Cosmetics: how can we better protect consumer health?

Published on 14/02/2025

The composition of cosmetic products means that we can routinely be exposed to potentially harmful chemicals. What are their possible effects on health? Why is it important to report adverse effects? Since early 2024, ANSES has been responsible for vigilance and expert appraisals relating to cosmetics and tattoo products. Our experts on the subject tell you everything you need to know about cosmetics and protecting health.

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Flamme Assessment of the risks related to the presence of flame retardants in upholstered furniture

Updated on 05/05/2022

Each year, household fires lead to a large number of deaths and injuries, as well as damage to property. The use of flame retardants (FRs) in domestic upholstered furniture to effectively reduce the risk of household fires has been the subject of debate and controversy for several years. The discussions focus on the one hand on their potential effectiveness against the risk of fire and on the other hand on the potential risks to health and the environment related to exposure to these chemicals. In this framework, the Agency decided to launch a comprehensive expert assessment to establish the current state of knowledge on these various topics. The Agency instructed its Working Group on Human and social sciences to study the effectiveness of the use of FRs in upholstered furniture as regards reducing the fire risk in homes. The WG produced a report on the current situation concerning fire risk in France. It also carried out a thorough analysis of the measures taken in the United Kingdom and the United States, two countries that promote the use of FRs. This multidisciplinary approach, involving law, sociology and the economic sciences, contributes to an appreciation of any benefits and risks that may arise from the adoption of legislation leading to an increased use of FRs in domestic upholstered furniture as a means of reducing fire risk. The other aspect of the work conducted by the Agency concerns the identification of the most commonly used FRs, plus a study of their toxicity, their behaviour and their potential for dispersal in the environment. A summary report on all these studies and the Agency's Opinion will be published in the course of 2015.

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