New missions covering the safety of cosmetics and tattoos
Since 1 January 2024, ANSES has been responsible for vigilance and expert appraisal relating to cosmetics and tattoo products. These missions, which were previously the responsibility of the French Health Products Safety Agency (ANSM), have been transferred to ANSES by legislation, in line with the orientations of its 2023–2027 goals and performance contract with the State. They are fully consistent with the Agency's powers regarding assessment of the risks of chemicals to which people are exposed on a daily basis.
Cosmetovigilance and tattoovigilance
ANSES, which already coordinated a number of vigilance schemes, now becomes responsible for cosmetovigilance and tattoovigilance. These two schemes are based on the reporting of undesirable effects caused by the use of cosmetics and tattoo products, respectively. This reporting can be initiated by healthcare professionals, manufacturers and distributors, but also by other professionals such as hairdressers, beauticians and tattoo artists, or by private individuals. Assessment of the reports may lead to an alert being triggered and preventive measures being taken to protect consumers.
Substance assessments and expert appraisals
The scope of ANSES's missions covering the risks associated with chemicals has now been extended to their use in cosmetics and tattoo products, according to three priorities:
- assessing the hazards and risks of the substances used in these products, under the European regulation on cosmetic products
- conducting expert appraisals to support the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) in monitoring the market and enforcing health policy for these products
- leading studies into exposure to these products and the substances they contain
In order to integrate these new activities, the Agency has strengthened its in-house teams with new financial and human resources. It will also be working to keep abreast of changes in the European regulations governing the marketing of cosmetics.