Code méta
Avis sur AMM pour les produits phytopharmaceutiques (PPP)

Opinions issued on expert assessment of regulated products (plant protection products, biocides and REACh)

Opinions issued on expert assessment of regulated products (plant protection products, biocides and REACh)

Below you will find the Opinions issued on expert assessments of regulated products (plant protection products, biocides and REACh) conducted for marketing authorisation (MA) purposes. 

You can also view the table entitled Autorisations de distribution pour expérimentation ["Distribution authorisations for experimentation"] (ADE and ADE renewal) :
Table updated on 18 décember 2014 (in French only)

application for marketing authorisation for the product ALLIANCE WG, containing metsulfuron-methyl and diflufenican, from the company NUFARM SAS

application for marketing authorisation for the product ALLIANCE WG, containing metsulfuron-methyl and diflufenican, from the company NUFARM SAS

Read time: 0 mins

Opinion of the French Food Safety Agency (Afssa) concerning an application for marketing authorisation of the thiamethoxam-based CRUISER 350 insecticide submitted by the company Syngenta Agro SAS

Opinion of the French Food Safety Agency (Afssa) concerning an application for marketing authorisation of the thiamethoxam-based CRUISER 350 insecticide submitted by the company Syngenta Agro SAS

Read time: 0 mins

Opinion of the French Food Safety Agency concerning a request for the renewal of marketing authorisation for the phyto-pharmaceutical preparation, CRUISER, No.AMM 2070196

Opinion of the French Food Safety Agency concerning a request for the renewal of marketing authorisation for the phyto-pharmaceutical preparation, CRUISER, No.AMM 2070196

Read time: 0 mins

Opinion of the French Food Safety Agency (Afssa) on a marketing authorisation application for the thiamethoxam-based insecticide, CRUISER, from the company Syngenta Agro SAS, as part of a mutual recognition procedure

Opinion of the French Food Safety Agency (Afssa) on a marketing authorisation application for the thiamethoxam-based insecticide, CRUISER, from the company Syngenta Agro SAS, as part of a mutual recognition procedure

Read time: 0 mins