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A new test to better detect pathogenic E. coli in food
E coli

A new test to better detect pathogenic E. coli in food

Escherichia coli (E. coli ) is a bacterium found in the digestive tract of humans, other mammals and birds. Although the majority of E. coli strains are harmless, some of them can cause serious cases of diarrhoea and even, less often, death. ANSES has developed a faster and more targeted method for detecting pathogenic E. coli in food, in particular in raw milk products.
Improvements in the regulation of hazardous substances in school supplies
Mieux encadrer la présence de substances dangereuses dans les fournitures scolaires

Improvements in the regulation of hazardous substances in school supplies

In an expert appraisal published today, ANSES highlights the presence of several classes of hazardous chemicals in supplies – pens, glue, pencils, correction tape, notebooks – used at school, home, and the office. In order to protect the health of consumers, especially that of children, the Agency stresses the need to review the regulations and step up the monitoring of products.
A meeting with our animal health scientists at SPACE!
Vache et homme

From 13 to 15 September 2022

A meeting with our animal health scientists at SPACE!

Public : oui
Parc des expositions de Rennes
This year once again we will be at the International Exhibition for Animal Breeding (SPACE) held in Rennes, France from 13 to 15 September 2022 . African swine fever, the avian influenza crisis, parasites, ruminant mycoplasmoses, salmonella, etc. Whether you are a professional working in the sector or a private individual, you can meet with our scientists who are specialists in these topics.
Monkeypox infection: What is the risk of transmission through food?
variole singe et alimentation

Monkeypox infection: What is the risk of transmission through food?

In France, there has recently been an increase in the number of people infected with the monkeypox virus, responsible for monkeypox infection, mainly in Europe. The virus may be transmitted through direct contact with someone who is ill, and through respiratory droplets. ANSES was asked to provide an urgent assessment of the risk of transmission of this virus via food.
How useful are microsensors for measuring exposure to air pollution?

How useful are microsensors for measuring exposure to air pollution?

The use of microsensors to monitor the quality of indoor and outdoor air has met with great enthusiasm in recent years. ANSES studied the benefits of their use for protecting the health of the population.
Adverse effects associated with the consumption of food supplements containing turmeric

Adverse effects associated with the consumption of food supplements containing turmeric

Turmeric is a plant that is used as a spice and is also found in a wide variety of food supplements on account of its digestive, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Following several reports of hepatitis in Italy and France, ANSES is drawing attention to the risk of adverse effects occurring in association with the consumption of food supplements containing turmeric.
Storage of veterinary medicines and recommendations during heatwaves

Storage of veterinary medicines and recommendations during heatwaves

Veterinary medicine quality is vital and must be ensured throughout the pharmaceutical chain, from design until use. Each participant in the chain has an influence on one or more parameters and needs to take precautions to guarantee and maintain veterinary medicine quality. During the summer, especially in cases of high heat, the storage of veterinary medicinal products may be affected; beyond 40 °C, there are risks of irreversible degradation (quality, effectiveness) or even toxicity (formation of degradation products).
Improving air quality in underground railway areas
pollution enceintes ferroviaires

Improving air quality in underground railway areas

Millions of people use the metro and other underground transport systems to get around seven large urban areas of France. Improving air quality inside underground railway areas is one of the objectives of the National Environmental Health Action Plan. Having received a request from the public authorities, ANSES confirms the need to continue taking action to limit the exposure of users by reducing concentrations of airborne particulate matter. To that end, the Agency is proposing monitoring indicators to strengthen air quality monitoring in these environments.
Bérénice Renard appointed as ANSES's Ethics Officer

Bérénice Renard appointed as ANSES's Ethics Officer

Bérénice Renard, recently appointed as ANSES's Director of Legal Affairs, has been appointed as Ethics Officer by decision of the Director General, Roger Genet. She took on this role on 9 May for a three-year period.
