Marketing authorisations for products containing sulfoxaflor: ANSES notes the decision of the Court of Nice
By an Order issued in summary proceedings, the Court of Nice has ordered the suspension of two marketing authorisations issued by ANSES in September for the products Closer and Transform. The Agency takes note of this Decision.
By a decision dated 27 September 2017, ANSES issued marketing authorisations for two plant protection products containing the active substance sulfoxaflor, CLOSER and TRANSFORM, marketed by DOW Agroscience SAS. Sulfoxaflor is an active substance in insecticides belonging to the class of chemicals called sulfoximines, approved at European level for the first time on 18 August 2015 for a period of 10 years.
The scientific assessment carried out by ANSES for these two preparations in the framework of European Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 had concluded that there was no risk to human health, flora and fauna or the environment, and that they were effective, for the uses proposed and under the recommended conditions of use. The marketing authorisations were also subject to tight restrictions on their conditions of use, to protect bees and other pollinators.
ANSES therefore takes note of the decision of the Court of Nice, which was issued in summary proceedings, and is immediately suspending the two marketing authorisations.
Following the formal request made by the Minister of State for Ecological and Inclusive Transition, and the Minister of Agriculture and Food, the Agency is continuing its expert appraisal work on the confirmatory data produced by the applicant for the Rapporteur Member State, and will share its observations with the Ministers within the next three months.