ANSES and the French Presidency of the EU Council
As part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (FPEU), ANSES will be organising and taking part in several events involving counterpart agencies and scientific and institutional partners. Discover some of the highlights planned for the first half of 2022, covering a wide range of topics including veterinary medicinal products, food and chemicals.
When fulfilling its various missions, ANSES is involved in multiple projects that extend beyond the borders of France. It participates in the work of European and international bodies, where it sometimes represents France. Year after year, it acts as a leading agency to assess health risks, advance knowledge, and contribute to the networks that monitor food safety and animal and plant health.
As part of the FPEU, ANSES will therefore be organising or contributing to several events and initiatives planned by its supervisory ministries or partners. The Agency will provide its expertise to develop programmes for the events or play a role as a participant.
15 March 2022 - Conference on “Chemical exposome and public health: a scientific challenge to be addressed as part of the European ‘One Health’ strategy” (organised by the French School of Public Health (EHESP) and Rennes 1 University).
11-12 May 2022 - Conference on “Chemical Products: Better protection of health and the environment” (organised by the Ministry of Ecological Transition).
ANSES will contribute to this conference via several speeches; in particular, it plans to communicate about the proposed European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals, subject to official announcement of its funding by the European Commission. ANSES and its partners submitted this proposal as part of the European Union framework programme for research and innovation, "Horizon Europe” (2021-2027).
2-3 June 2022 - Seminar on “Conducting research to achieve the objectives of the European ‘Green Deal’ to reduce the use of pesticides” (organised by INRAE).
Veterinary medicinal products
3-4 February 2022 - Meeting of Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA I). The French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV), part of ANSES, is the competent authority for the assessment and authorisation of veterinary medicinal products in France. As such, it will be involved in hosting, together with the French Health Products Safety Agency (ANSM), the heads of medicines agencies of the EU Member States in charge of human and veterinary medicinal products. The first meeting, organised by the ANSM, will be held virtually. 4-6 May 2022 - Meeting of Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA II). ANSES-ANMV will organise this second meeting, which will take place in Saint-Malo.
29 March 2022 - “Seminar on Plant-Based Veterinary Medicines”. Work on this topic is in progress at ANSES-ANMV, which has initiated this seminar. It will give scientific experts and the regulatory authorities the opportunity to discuss the issue of phytotherapy in veterinary medicine and how it is taken into account in regulatory assessment and authorisation processes.
30 May - 1 June 2022 - Informal Meeting of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP - CMDv). ANSES-ANMV will also organise the half-yearly meeting of the two main organisations involved in the authorisation of veterinary medicinal products in Europe: the Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Veterinary (CMDv) and the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This meeting will be marked by the entry into force of the new regulations on veterinary medicinal products as from January 2022.
Food safety
6-7 April 2022 - Meeting of the Advisory Forum of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). ANSES, which represents France within this forum where Member States and EFSA unite their efforts with regard to risk assessment practices, will be hosting its next meeting.
Animal welfare
13 June 2022 - Colloquium: “Shaping the Future of Livestock Farming Through Research”. As an agency with expertise in animal health and welfare, ANSES has been asked to coordinate this event sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The objective is to reflect with European experts on needs for research to accompany changes in livestock farming practices.
Other events in which ANSES will be involved
7-8 March 2022 - Conference on “Combating Work-Related Cancer: Promoting more effective regulation” (organised by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion).
7 March 2022 - “One Health” Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance" (organised by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health).
22 March 2022 - Seminar on Epidemiological Surveillance Platforms (organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food).
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the calendar and format of the events are subject to change.
What is the Presidency of the Council of the European Union?
For the first time in 14 years, France is taking over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union as of 1 January 2022. Each Member State holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months on a rotational basis. The Presidency of the Council organises and presides over meetings, brokers compromises, adopts conclusions and ensures the coherency and continuity of the decision-making process. It also ensures effective cooperation between all Member States.