ANSES and the INRS renew their partnership on occupational health
Today, Wednesday 18 January 2023, ANSES and the INRS are signing a new partnership agreement, thereby continuing their collaborative venture initiated over 10 years ago to better assess and prevent occupational risks.
ANSES and the INRS have complementary expertise and resources in the area of occupational health & risks. Their partnership provides the INRS's experts and researchers with an opportunity to take part in ANSES's Expert Committees and contribute to the production of knowledge on occupational risks and exposure.
By renewing this partnership, the two organisations are stepping up the coordination of their expert appraisals and other scientific work focusing on key areas of occupational health, including carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic chemicals, endocrine disruptors, nanomaterials, and emerging risks.
The INRS and ANSES are therefore developing ways to increase their capacity for research and scientific expertise in the field of occupational health in order to achieve the objectives of the National Occupational Health Plan.