ANSES's new 2023-2027 goals and performance contract
The new goals and performance contract (COP) between ANSES and its five supervisory ministries sets out its strategic objectives for the coming five years. Building on the previous COP, its orientations consolidate the Agency's core missions and reflect the changes it plans to undertake to address new challenges, in a national and global context marked by health crises and transformations in society and the environment – climate change and biodiversity loss in particular.
The 2023-2027 COP is structured around five themes, each with several goals:
- Theme 1: A strengthened health risk assessment mandate based on a "One Health" approach
- Theme 2: Scientific excellence harnessed to respond to emerging health threats and crises
- Theme 3: An ambitious research and reference policy to safeguard health in keeping with the "One Health" approach
- Theme 4: A strong presence at national, European and international level
- Theme 5: Transparent, efficiency-oriented action
27 indicators and 38 milestones will enable progress to be monitored and shared.

"The 2023-2027 COP updates the course set by the previous contract, pushing the boundaries on aspects that have assumed greater importance since 2018: taking account of the various health dimensions in our expert appraisal methods and in the issues investigated, developing knowledge and data, whether from research or the field, stepping up our international involvement in the face of problems that are often unconstrained by national borders, the need to be both robust and agile in our scientific output, particularly when confronting crises, to name but a few. This contract with our governance bodies is important for the Agency’s activity, which by its very nature has a strong interministerial resonance that is set to increase."
Benoit Vallet, directeur général de l’Anses

The COP highlights the “One Health” dimension of all our scientific activities and our place at European and international level, and outlines our prospects for meeting the challenges of the future. A large part of the COP is also devoted to the transparency of our actions, our high ethical standards and our internal procedures, which aim to ensure efficiency.”