Final meeting of the One Health EJP
ANSES holds the final meeting of the One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP). The meeting will be an opportunity to look back on the work conducted during the five years of the OHEJP. It will be held at the French Ministry of Health and Prevention on the 11th (afternoon) and 12th (morning) of September and will be broadcast live.
Coordinated by ANSES, the One Health EJP focussed on zoonoses, with a concentration in the areas of food safety, antibiotic resistance and emerging risks. This final conference will bring together members of the 44 partner organisations as well as key European stakeholders.
It will provide an opportunity to review the work done under the OHEJP, and the progress made in anchoring the One Health concept in scientific activities and public health policies. The speakers will also highlight future prospects for the consortium.