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Interministerial symposium Antibiotic resistance

Wednesday, 20 November, 2019

Interministerial symposium Antibiotic resistance

Amphithéâtre Laroque -14, avenue Duquesne - 75007 PARIS
Public : oui
Ministère des Solidarités et de la santé
The monitoring of antimicrobial drug use data and of the development of antimicrobial resistance is an essential tool enabling implementation of a coherent policy to combat antimicrobial resistance. On Wednesday November 20th , in the framework of European Antibiotic Awareness Day, the Ministries of Ecology, Health & Solidarity, and Food & Agriculture are holding an interministerial symposium on this topic in Paris. The first part of the symposium will be devoted to the European Agencies’ views on these issues. The second part will concentrate on showing how the monitoring data available in France aids public authorities in adjusting their national strategy. The third round table will present examples of real-life initiatives in the fight against antimicrobial resistance using monitoring data. The symposium will conclude with discussions on the outlook for the future and ways to optimise the use of data in combating antimicrobial resistance. Jean-Yves Madec, ANSES’s Scientific director in charge of antimicrobial resistance, will take part in the late morning round-table session on “Data for national action ”. For the symposium, ANSES is publishing two reports on antimicrobial resistance and animal health.
Beware of inedible gourds!
courges amères

Beware of inedible gourds!

With Halloween here, at the height of the season for all the pumpkins, squash and other cucurbits that brighten up our autumn dishes, it is important to remember that not all "squash" are edible. Some inedible gourds can cause food poisoning, which can sometimes be serious.
Glyphosate: ANSES reviews the monitoring data

Glyphosate: ANSES reviews the monitoring data

Today, ANSES is publishing a summary of monitoring data on glyphosate and reviewing the knowledge currently available in France on its presence in water and food, as well as on blood concentration levels in humans.
Reinforced plant protection product assessment to safeguard bees

Reinforced plant protection product assessment to safeguard bees

To reduce the exposure of bees and other pollinating insects to plant protection products, ANSES recommended, in its opinion of 23 November 2018, strengthening the national provisions imposing restrictions on product use during periods when crops attract these insects. The Agency is now publishing a new opinion aimed at improving risk assessment methods for marketing authorisation applications. ANSES recommends relying on the EFSA guidance document, in order to better assess the long-term risks for bees and other pollinators. In addition, the Agency stresses the need to set regulatory threshold values for chronic risks at European level, in order to harmonise the criteria used for making decisions on marketing authorisation for products.
ANSES becomes a European Reference Centre for Animal Welfare
Influenza Aviaire

ANSES becomes a European Reference Centre for Animal Welfare

ANSES has been appointed to lead the new European Reference Centre for the welfare of poultry and other small farmed animals, in collaboration with its partner organisations in Spain, Italy and Denmark. This is the second centre devoted to animal welfare in Europe after the centre for pig welfare. From January 2020, the Agency will coordinate this new reference centre over the following five years. Its task will be to contribute to improving animal welfare on European farms at all key stages of the animals' existence, from birth or hatching through to the end of their lives.
Exposure to mobile telephones carried close to the body
Téléphone Mobile

Exposure to mobile telephones carried close to the body

Testing of exposure to waves emitted by mobile telephones was modified in 2016 to take changes in models and uses into account. Since then, manufacturers have been required to assess exposure under realistic conditions of use, i.e. when the telephone is placed very close to the body, at a maximum distance of 5 mm. However, many telephones complying with the earlier regulations, and still in use, generate high levels of exposure when placed close to the body. ANSES was therefore asked to assess the possible health effects associated with these exposure conditions. Following its expert appraisal, ANSES recommends that measures be taken to ensure that users are no longer subject to high levels of exposure when telephones are carried close to the body.
ANSES's opinion on the food risks following the fire at the Lubrizol plant

ANSES's opinion on the food risks following the fire at the Lubrizol plant

Following the fire at the Lubrizol plant, on 2 October the Ministry of Agriculture asked ANSES to assess the potential food risks from the deposition resulting from the plume of smoke. The Agency is today publishing its opinion on the analyses carried out on agricultural products collected from 28 September to 10 October.
A review of the health risks associated with the activities of firefighters

A review of the health risks associated with the activities of firefighters

Every day, firefighters face an array of risk factors, including exposure to the chemicals usually produced by combustion products during fires, and to biological and physical agents. They also face organisational constraints, such as irregular working hours, and psychosocial hazards, such as exposure to violence. ANSES has examined the health risks associated with the activities of firefighters and reviewed the preventive measures. The Agency is underlining the benefits of centralising health monitoring data. It is also recommending continued medical follow-up for firefighters who have retired from the job, in order to improve knowledge of their health and exposure, as well as to identify the activities with the highest levels of risk. Lastly, it is emphasising the need to take better account of the chronic risks faced by firefighters following exposure during and after firefighting operations.
ANSES's expert appraisal on the monitoring of drinking water following the fire at the Lubrizol plant

ANSES's expert appraisal on the monitoring of drinking water following the fire at the Lubrizol plant

As part of its expert appraisal on the potential health risks associated with contamination from the particles deposited by the fire at the Lubrizol plant, ANSES is today publishing its opinion on the monitoring of drinking water in Normandy.
