ANSES launches a database of more than 500 toxicity reference values
Since 2004, the Agency has been working on a national programme for toxicity reference values (TRVs). TRVs are biological indicators used to qualify or quantify, on a scientific basis, a risk to human health associated with exposure to a chemical substance. They are useful for the various players involved in risk governance: companies, public expert appraisal bodies and authorities tasked with risk management. Today, ANSES is publishing a database of more than 500 TRVs, including those it has established itself (around 60, for nearly 40 substances) and those by other organisations, which it uses to conduct its expert appraisal work.
A toxicity reference value (TRV) is a toxicological indicator used to qualify or quantify a risk to human health associated with exposure to a chemical substance. These values are vital when carrying out quantitative assessments of health risks to the general population. They are used by companies and consultants to demonstrate that risks are being controlled (for example for residents living near classified facilities for environmental protection, polluted sites and soils, etc.) and by the public authorities to formulate risk management recommendations.
As part of its permanent missions, since 2004 the Agency has been implementing a national programme to establish TRVs, in order to clarify the risks to human health from oral or inhalation exposure to chemical substances. So far, around 60 TRVs have been established by the Agency for nearly 40 chemical substances.
Today, the Agency is launching a database it has developed that contains around 500 TRVs it has chosen to use for its own expert appraisal work. In making them available via its database, ANSES is facilitating access to the TRVs for all users, in particular the various public and private partners (consultants, regional directorates for the environment, land planning & housing, regional health agencies, Ineris, etc.).
This database includes information about the chemical substances (name and CAS number), the TRVs (when they were established and by whom, their type, the exposure route, population concerned, value and unit) and also provides access to all the Agency's reports and opinions related to TRVs.
All the TRVs in the database are also available via Ineris's "chemical substances portal" (in French): substances.ineris.fr/fr/.