Launch of the European "One Health" EJP project, coordinated by ANSES
The European Joint Programme (EJP) on "One Health", selected by the European Commission in October, was officially launched this week at a meeting bringing together the project partners, as well as the French Ministries of Health, Agriculture & Food, and Research, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control (ECDC), and the European Commission represented by its Directorate-General for Agriculture, Directorate-General for Health and the Research Executive Agency (REA). This programme, which ANSES is coordinating, is aiming to acquire new knowledge in the areas of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging risks.
Officially launched at a meeting that took place at ANSES on 30 and 31 January, the "One Health" EJP will help strengthen cooperation between more than 40 partners from 19 Member States based on the "One Health" concept. In particular, this meeting was an opportunity to set out clearly how the project will be organised and operated, and the scientific activities that will be undertaken, in the presence of the project partners.
These various partners, most of which have reference mandates on foodborne zoonoses, now form an organised network and represent an integrated research community whose aim is to promote scientific progress in the areas of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging risks.